Resolution Run

Resolution Run: Start Your Year on the Right Foot!

(…for a couple of hours, anyway.)

Charleston –You and the kids have trouble staying up until midnight. Champagne makes your nose itch. You've seen the ball drop a gazillion times. Why bother with all that New Year's Eve stuff?

Celebrate the New Year instead on New Year's Day with the Resolution 5K Run starting at 10:00 a.m.

It's a beautiful run starting and ending at our jewel ballpark on the Ashley River, continuing through leafy Hampton Park and the historic Citadel campus and ending back at The Joe. Children, families, dogs and strollers aren't just invited – they're encouraged! Besides the usual prizes for top finishers, there will be a prize for Top Dog, First Baby, and all families of four or more that pre-register.

Everyone who participates gets a t-shirt, and nearly everyone will win a prize. There'll be music, great food and a New Year's atmosphere. Party hats for all!

To sign up, visit or call Laurie Brinson at 740-9000, x245. Registration is $15; $20 after Dec. 24 and includes a race t-shirt. (T-shirts cannot be guaranteed for registrants after Dec. 24.) Children age 7-14 pay their age in dollars; those under 6 are free.

The Resolution Run has three major goals:

  1. Help families start the year in a healthy way.
  2. Provide a safe, fun outlet for families on New Year's Day.
  3. Raise funds for TeenLine. All proceeds from the run go to Trident United Way's TeenLine, a free counseling and information phone service offering middle and high school students a safe place to call when struggling with problems or crises. Trained teens with adult back-up provide a confidential place to discuss things and additional resources when needed. TeenLine can be reached at 747-TEEN, M-F, 4-8 pm. The TeenLine Resolution Run is sponsored by Saturn of Charleston, Adams Outdoor Advertising and St. Andrew's~Mt. Pleasant.